In this 2 hour workshop, Vanessa will go over key areas of fascial anatomy describing new concepts of psycho-bio-neurological and physiological function as well as how to gently incorporate assists in these areas of the body. Through these subtle manual cues yoga students can engage in the poses in a more mindful and anatomically functionality way.
Fascia also called connective tissue is a clear sticky fibrous web that weaves in and around all the structures of the body. It encompasses the bones while connecting and encasing muscles, joints and viscera. This intercellular matrix allows the body to suspend and move in space in a tensegrity structure while proper hydration and fitness of these tissues can increase mobility and alignment. In conjunction with muscles and bones, this tissue web houses mass networks of nerves, arteries, as well as the lymphatic system essentially linking all systems of the body through this mass network.
In this workshop, the class will have a brief review of the muscular and skeletal regions and then begin examining key fascial elements within the body. Students will discuss fascial anatomy, structure, and mobility while linking these concepts to various systems of the body to understand connective tissue fascia as a conscious network that functions as an extension of the neural pathways of the brain. Join Vanessa on March 28 at 10 o'clock to deepen your understanding of anatomy in a comfortable discussion-based format.
Agenda will cover some of the following :
Fascial structures, yoga pose, manual adjustment and technique:
Fascial structures:
Galea Apanorotica, posterior triangle of the neck, clavicle and upper thoracic outlet
during Shavasana
Occipital hold
Indirect Fascial cap scrunch
Cervical taffy pull
Upper thoracic outlet/ clavicular hold and spread
Fascial Structures:
Interocious Membrane of the forearm, retinaculum of the hand.
Warrior Pose, Tadasana, any seating or lying pose
Double hand pull and peal IO and Hand
Retinaculum fluff
Fascial Strucutes
Thoracolumbar aponeurosis, Supraspinous Ligament
Childs Pose, Utanasana, seated or standing forward fold.
Palm spread following fibers lateral, across
Palm spread gently along SP's to lengthen Supraspinous Ligament
Fascial Structures
Interosseous Membrane of the leg, retinaculum of the ankle, Plantar Fascia, the three joints of the foot.
seated legs out, Shavasana, standing poses.
Foot mapping
Dorsi Fluffing
Retinaculum Fluffing
Fibula Tibia Squeeze