Do you have a situation that overwhelms or confuses you?
Are you tired of the same reaction each time you are touched , psychologically or physically or
experientially in the same way.
Do you have a sense of greif or sadness or hesitation or of desire to escape and you are not
sure of where this feeling comes nor do you know how to handle it?
Do you have an ongoing concern with a particular person or the same concern repeats
a pattern with different people in your life. But these persons fill the same role,i.e. Lover, Authoritarian, etc?
You may be ready for a Constellation where you can see the subconscious events driving this
reaction in you.
Register today, either as a person requiring the constellation or wanting to participate in a constellation.
Schedule is : May 10 witness only
May 30 7pm
August 29 7pm
September 29 , Saturday 9am
October 24 7pm